Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big news!

Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I visited my own blog. There have been a big changes and blessings in my life.
I am PREGNANT :)!!!

God is good! My husband and I were praying for it for a couple of month.  We both had a big desire to have a little one.
Well, I knew something was different. Back in mid January I started to feel very weird. I did some research on the internet about early pregnancy symptoms, and I was sure I was pregnant. I decided to wait a week just to be sure... Week after I ran to Target and got a "first responce pregnancy test" I was so excited for next morning.. So the morning Jan 27th came, I did it, and here we go- 2 pink lines!!!! Yay! My husband was at work ...I couldnt wait to tell him, so I called and shared our news!!

We set up an appointment for Feb 11th.

On Feb 11th Brad and I headed to my 10.30 appointment. We got to see our baby and hear her/his heartbeat. It was an amazing moment. My doctor said I was 7 weeks pregnant!

Now, as writing this post I'm 12,5 weeks :)
So  here I am

God is Great!!!
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  1. I knew that! So excited for you, guys! Especially knowing how much you wanted this. Good luck on your pregnancy, Inna, and keep us posted about by far your best creation!
